Tuesday, December 29, 2009


What a crazy month! I haven't updated in a while... so this one will be a doozy for sure.

Christmas was amazing.... not gonna lie.

Christmas Eve was spent at Carl's house, which I consider an extension of my home since it's only 4 houses down the street from mine and is usually my personal grocery store when I don't feel like venturing out to get something I need.

We were missing a few family members, but gained two newcomers - Angie's parents. I am pleased to announce that my gifts were a hit again this year and I have set a new record that I will never be able to break. This year, one of my gifts caused 4 people to cry. My favorite gift this year to give was Angie's. I found a beautiful black picture frame with etched glass with sayings like 'live laugh love' and 'dance like no one is watching' and all that fun stuff. It was awesome and I would have kept it had it not been Christmas and it's a time for giving and all... blah.

I put 5 black and white photos in her frame 1. Carl and Angie (eyes were colored digitally in pale blue to stand out) 2. CJ (blue eyes) 3. Sami (blue eyes) 4. Group shot of Carl/Angie/Kids and 5. Angie and Skyler (blue eyes). All the pictures were amazing shots. The photos with kids in them Angie had never seen and they were beautifully done by my father in law who is a photographer (Captive Images Photography - facebook it and check out the pics). Angie opened the gift and slowly unwrapped it exposing each picture one at a time. Each picture brought her closer to tears until finally... she cried. Did I get pictures? You bet I did! As long as Carl keeps them they'll be in the scrapbook next year. The sight of Angie being so touched she was crying caused my mother in law, Jeannette, to cry who was my sole crier last year. Not a big surprise but did cause me to give myself an imaginary pat on the back with an internal 'yes!' Once they finished crying and looking at the photos Cecil's grandmother looked at it and cried. Oh yeah.. three criers. Later on when Angie's parents arrived her mother looked at the frame. She cried. Boo ya - 4 criers one gift. I judge my gifts on tears... so this one was a winner.

Being exceptionally gifted in the art of procrastination I ended up finishing Carl's scrapbook at 3p on Christmas Eve... the day the project was 'due.' It wasn't what I wanted... but he liked it and I'll do better next year and give myself more time to complete it (which is what I said last year).

Cecil's Christmas eve gift (Kiss family tradition) was his Charlie Brown Christmas Tree he'd been wanting. I was thoroughly enjoying the agony he was going through for days seeing it wrapped under the tree in a triangular box and being unable to guess what it was at all.


We woke up early.. although not before Skyler had snuck downstairs at least 3 times like a ninja. Jason arrived right on time which was amazing. 8a sharp and I was so proud. John and Jeannette were.... not as punctual but nervertheless arrived and present opening commenced. The kids received countless gifts that went over amazingly with their favorite probably being their scooters, one Tinkerbell and one Princess, just as it should be! They have continued to ride them around 'shopping' and acting like Musketeers in my kitchen.

On my end... I was completely and totally shocked this year. Not an easy feat. Cecil indeed ended up getting me the DS he was working for on Black Friday that I had previously blogged about. Apparently, Mr. Sexy flirted with an unsuspecting teenage girl in the electronics department and got the DS well before 5a which is how he was able to be with me during the Rockband fiasco. Props to him - my man's still got it. John and Jeannette's big gift to me was a Cricut Create machine! I've been dying for one for a while now and I must admit now that I have one I'm a bit intimidated to use it. I've read the directions... but I can't fully mentally prepare myself. I'll get to it soon enough - I have to... it's my duty to scrapbook. Cecil also got me a diamond ring I said I loved on a commercial. That was an amazing surprise - nothing I ever expected. Jason got me my bootleg of 'New Moon.' I wasn't expecting it since he told me for a month he couldn't find it anywhere. Then he informed me that it was just a 'gag' gift because he had given me some things for my DS. Then he told me it was real. I was completely confused for at least 12 hours until I played the movie and it worked.

I must say my family really pulled off the trickery this year. Normally, I know my gifts before I get them. It's almost impossible to surprise me with gifts simply because I'm an amazing people reader (no matter what Cecil says). The entire month of December I would tell people how I was reading them and what I was interpreting and we'd find out on Christmas if I was right. I sort of was... and sort of wasn't. It was a Christmas based on lies and deceit and I loved every minute of it.

After we opened gifts at home we headed down to Carl's again to give CJ and Sami the Rockband we bought for them since they wouldn't be opening their Xbox until Christmas morning as a Santa gift. They loved it and I can't wait until this weekend to go down and rock out on the mic and drums with them.

Rushing to get ready after Carl's we finally made it down to Hillsboro at my cousin Kevin's house. I hadn't made it down last year - so it was great to see everyone. It was honestly, completely different then past years. It was really enjoyable and everyone seemed really happy. Even my crazy Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jerry were fun to be around - a delightful change.

We only stayed for a few hours since I purchased Cecil tickets to see 'Avatar 3D' for that evening. A poor choice on my part but, it is what it is. Since we didn't make it to the jam packed theater until the movie's start time (minus 15 min of previews)we got to sit in the first row - such a joy. I highly discourage anyone watching a 3D movie to sit in the first row. I thought I was going to be punched in the face by 3D mushrooms. It was still a great movie though and I'm glad we went... although Cecil wants to see it again and sit in a 'real seat.'


We spent the day after Christmas driving to Martin's Ferry near Virginia and spending the day with Cecil's grandparents, his parents, brother and Aunt. More gifts for everyone and the day was enjoyable.

We've spent the next few days after all the festivities doing some clean up work and playing video games. It's going to be hard to get back to reality. Our anniversary is tomorrow. Cecil works and I just want to play video games. I'm sure he'll agree - and if not I'll recommend ordering a pizza as bribery. Food always works with my special someone.

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